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Let your Sims enjoy downtown delights as their relationships heat up.we provided The Sims: Complete Collection PC Game with pro account of mediafire(without ads, direct link) under 3 GB. Hot Date takes you from candlelit romance to cuddling on the couch. Vacation you’ll choose whether your Sims will spend the weekend at a beach resort, rough it in the woods, or chill out in a winter wonderland. Engage in new group activities, and rock the house with different music and dance styles. House Party lets you throw the ultimate theme party. Their lives are in your hands.Livin’ Large gives your Sims the wild life! A wider range of objects and styles allows even the most timid Sim to cut loose and live it up. The phenomenon that started it all! Completely build and customize your Sims’ homes, decide their career paths and romances, and choose from hundreds of items to keep them happy. The Sims: Complete Collection is simulation video game developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts.It was released on Novemfor PC.The Sims: Complete Collection is an 2005 PC game.